• One 3% pod can contain as much nicotine as you get from a pack of cigarettes.1
    • A 5% pod has/delivers as much nicotine as a pack of cigarettes.1
    • One pod has/delivers as much nicotine as a pack of cigarettes.1
    • ONE 5% pod can have nearly TWICE the nicotine content as an entire PACK of some types of cigarettes.1,2
    • Newer vapes combine freebase nicotine with benzoic acid to create a stronger nicotine hit that can get you addicted faster. 3,4
    • The nicotine you get in one vape pod can actually be more than an entire pack of cigarettes. 1,2,5
    • Nicotine salts deliver the chemical almost exactly like a cig. 6
    • “No young person should every try our product.” ―Vape Company Executive 7
    • The vape industry is mostly owned by Big Tobacco.
      RJ Reynolds Vapor Co (a subsidiary of Reynolds America) owns VUSE, British American Tobacco owns Vype, Altria (formerly Philip Morris) owns Mark Ten, and Imperial Tobacco owns Blu. 8
    • “It just sort of took over…”―Christian 9
    • “for me…it’s been incredibly hard to kick it…” ―Dieter 9
    • “…this is a recipe for addiction”―Peyton 9
    • “…and this f**** thing is custom-designed to make you…use it more.” 9
    • “Vape startup raising another $1.2 Billion” 9
    • The company recently modified the names of its flavors — using crème instead of crème brûlée and cucumber instead of cool cucumber. 4,8,10
    • Acetone. Formaldehyde. Carcinogens. If you vape, it gets in your body. 11,12,13
    • Newer vapes also produce formaldehyde (what they use to preserve dead bodies), acetone (nail polish remover and paint thinner), acetaldehyde (a chemical in glue), and other carcinogens in their vapor.11,12,13
    • Vapes can emit up to 31 different chemicals like formaldehyde. 13
    • Further, toxic metal particles such as chromium are found in vape juice and the metal can build in your lungs over time. 14,15
    • Juul’s own patent states: “[N]icotine salt formulations provide satisfaction…comparable to smoking a traditional cigarette.” 16



    • 1 JUULpod Basics. (2019). Retrieved January 31, 2019, from
    • 2 Federal Trade Commission. (2000). Tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide of the smoke of 1294 varieties of domestic cigarettes for the year 1998. Washington DC: Federal Trade Commission.
    • 3 Jenssen, B. P., & Boykan, R. (2019). Electronic Cigarettes and Youth in the United States: A Call to Action (at the Local, National and Global Levels). Children, 6(2), 30.
    • 4 Jackler, R. K., & Ramamurthi, D. (2019). Nicotine arms race: JUUL and the high-nicotine product market. Tobacco Control, tobaccocontrol-2018.
    • 5 Jarvis, M. J., Boreham, R., Primatesta, P., Feyerabend, C., & Bryant, A. (2001). Nicotine yield from machine-smoked cigarettes and nicotine intakes in smokers: evidence from a representative population survey. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 93(2), 134-138.
    • 6 Benowitz, N. L., Hukkanen, J., & Jacob, P. (2009). Nicotine chemistry, metabolism, kinetics, and biomarkers. In Nicotine psychopharmacology (pp. 29-60). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
    • 7 JUUL Labs. (2018, April 25). JUUL Labs Announces a Comprehensive Strategy to Combat Underage Use [Press release]. Retrieved from <ahref=””>
    • 8US Department of Health and Human Services. (2016). E-cigarette use among youth and young adults. A report of the Surgeon General. Retrieved March, 1, 2018.
    • 9 Becker, R. (2018, July 3). Why is JUUL Worth $16 Billion? It’s More like a Cigarette Than You Think. The Verge. Retrieved from
    • 10 Richtel, M., Kaplan, S. (2018). Did Juul Lure Teenagers and Get ‘Customers for Life’? The New York Times. Retrieved from
    • 11 Jensen, R. P., Luo, W., Pankow, J. F., Strongin, R. M., & Peyton, D. H. (2015). Hidden formaldehyde in e-cigarette aerosols. New England Journal of Medicine, 372(4), 392-394.
    • 12 Reilly, S. M., Bitzer, Z. T., Goel, R., Trushin, N., & Richie Jr, J. P. (2018). Free Radical, Carbonyl, and Nicotine Levels Produced by Juul Electronic Cigarettes. Nicotine & tobacco research: official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco.
    • 13 Sleiman, M., Logue, J. M., Montesinos, V. N., Russell, M. L., Litter, M. I., Gundel, L. A., & Destaillats, H. (2016). Emissions from electronic cigarettes: key parameters affecting the release of harmful chemicals. Environmental science & technology, 50(17), 9644-9651.
    • 14 Olmedo, P., Goessler, W., Tanda, S., Grau-Perez, M., … & Rule, A.M. (2018). Metal concentrations in e-cigarette liquid and aerosol samples: the contribution of metallic coils. Environmental Health Perspectives, 126(2), 1-11.
    • 15 Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). 2012. Toxicological Profile for Chromium. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service.
    • 16 Bowen et al. (2015). United States Patent No. US 9,215,895 B2. Retrieved from: